
Mindfulness and the power of the body to heal itself through physical excercise

Exercise is very good for the brain. As a personal trainer I am always emphasising the benefits of physical exercise to mood and brain functioning. People are used to balancing; standing on one leg, walking up steps, or even standing on a ladder we balance our bodies without even thinking. However, just balancing the body requires large amounts of brain power. One study suggested that balancing our bodies through complicated movements required as much brain power as learning a second language. It is the intensity of brain activity generated during exercise which seems to be so good for the brain, very similar to exercising the muscles. However, there are ways to gain even greater benefits for the brain from exercise.

A personal trainer has a responsibility to ensure that the client is doing the appropriate exercises correctly, but the personal trainer must also be aware that the client is fully engaged with the exercises. This means that the client is fully concentrating on the exercises, the client is not thinking about work, what they are going to do after training, in short they need to be mindful. Mindfulness is about being fully focussed on what you are doing now and, by implication, being aware to a level that is not usually obtained. An example helps. Often we can operate on automatic pilot, you might be driving a car and be completely oblivious of changing gears or changing lanes. As an exercise in mindfulness I will ask people to eat an apple and describe not only the taste, but the texture of the apple, the smell and the sound of biting into the apple, to fully focus on the eating of the apple.

When someone is exercising it is a little bit harder for them not to conscious of what they are doing, however extraneous thoughts can still intrude. So as a personal trainer I ask people to concentrate on all aspects of their experience, if they are running the feel of the wind on their skin, the rhythm of their breathing etc. This is mindfulness.

The final stage is called flow. In a state of the flow the person is completely oblivious of time and their surroundings; they are fully committed to the exercise and are performing at their maximum. Now it is difficult to obtain flow and remain in flow. However once a person has achieved flow it is a wonderful experience.

The advantage of mindfulness obtained through exercise is that once a person understands the concept of mindfulness it can be applied to many aspects of daily living.

Sex Workers & Sexual Diseases

Sex workers must maintain high levels of sexual health. In the same way, that taxi drivers, or owners of taxis, must keep their vehicles well maintained and on the road if they are to stay in business. If a call girl is carrying an infectious disease and she spreads the infection to her clients, then the chain of infections can damage the health of innocent parties like wives and girlfriends. The result of this would be calamitous for brothel owners, clients and the girls themselves.

Which is why all, well run, brothels have always had a strong relationship with a local doctor who can check the sexual health of their girls on a weekly basis. If an escort is an independent operator then she needs to establish a weekly check up protocol for herself with a medical centre or specialist doctor. I would confidently say that the sexual health of prostitutes in a professionally run establishment would be better than that of the general population of sexually active young women. Those in the business are kicking the tires every week; their business depends upon it.

Sex workers, also, regularly, visibly check the genitals of their potential clients for tell tale signs of sexual disease. Since the AIDS crisis there would still be a large number of sex workers insisting on the use of condoms, which obviously reduces the instance of the transference of sexual disease by some considerable margin. Of course, there are brothels and massage parlours at the lower end of the market, especially illegal establishment using sex slaves, who do not conform to these industry safety standards. As in any industry you get what you pay for and if you frequent dodgy joints you make take home some unwanted extras; in the form of a sexual disease.

There have been a number of arrests made by Australian police forces in Melbourne and Sydney of brothel owners, who have been found guilty of exploiting newly arrived migrants from countries like Korea and China. The sexual slavery market is, unfortunately, alive and well among certain sections of our multicultural society. If you are looking to maintain your sexual health and you partake of the services of the sex industry, do yourself a favour and steer clear of these types of establishments. As a consumer please feel free to ask the management about the sexual health protocols of their business; it hurts less to ask first.

Can Peace of Mind Assist With Longevity?

An old Sufi saying is, “Trust in Allah but tether your camel first”, which means it may be impossible to control everything in life but it pays to take care of your basic needs. Doing what is within your means to do, in terms of securing your existence, is still the best policy when it comes to peace of mind and longevity. You don’t know what your fate really is but you work with what knowledge and expectation you have in life. If possible you do not want to wake up in the desert and find that your camel has wandered off because you didn’t properly secure him or her (actually, according to the great TE Lawrence the female camel is by far the superior riding beast).

Deserts, like our lives, can span great distances and we are best served by securing our essential requirements when journeying through time and space. We all know that a worry free trip is a much more enjoyable one. There is nothing worse than being on holiday, or away from home for work, and being anxious about something. Worry can eat away at you over time and the old wives’ tale tells us that it causes grey hairs. Traumatic experiences have been known to send the hair of even youngish people grey, seemingly overnight.

What does the camel represent in our modern lives? I would say our ability to look after ourselves, and our families, for those with dependents. For some that may mean property accrued or savings, like superannuation, the investments we have worked hard for in our lives. Have we planned well for the future? If we utilise the best of our knowledge and abilities to strategically provide for our retirement, and families, we can create that peace of mind. Self-managing your superannuation funds can assist with achieving this outcome.

Peace of mind, due to financial security, can assist with longevity because we are happy and happier people want to stick around for longer. We cannot control everything in our lives, unforeseen tragedies can strike, but we can be as prepared as we possibly can. We can find that balance in our lives by putting away some funds for tomorrow, not everything, we still want to be able to enjoy things today. A big part of living a long life is planning for one, making sure that you will have enough funds to pay for a wonderful retirement. Is that camel securely tied up?

Client Relationship Management For Health Clinics

Is there anything as important as our clients, or customers, in the health services industry? I would be prepared to put client relationship management at number one, in terms of running a successful health clinic. How we communicate and service our clients is, quite simply, the make or break element of this business. Of course we all start out in the industry with this proposition clearly at the forefront of our awareness, but over time, and with a growing client base this becomes more challenging. In fact, success, in terms of the number of clients attracted to your health clinic, or clinics, can pose a major obstacle in itself.

Do you have the necessary protocols and supporting technology in place to adequately service your customer base and manage the relationships therein formed? Do you have a properly structured approach to client relationship management or are you making things up on the run, so to speak? Are you analysing your data with a view to maximising sales and servicing of your client base? Customer Relationship Management (CRS) software can track client account history, allowing you to see where servicing is happening and where it is not. Opportunities for value added sales and better servicing for the client’s health can be identified through this technology.

It is a maxim of business that it is far more expensive to attract a new client than it is to increase sales revenue from an existing client. Attentive servicing also increases customer loyalty, in that the client experiences greater satisfaction by being more intensively looked after; caring is the name of the game after all. Microsoft Dynamic CRM provides a technological system which can optimise your effectiveness in this sphere. It is a far more social world that we now live in, especially in terms of our businesses, and having a highly responsive platform is vital when operating in this realm.

The pace of technological advancements in our modern world is breathtakingly rapid and the service industries are at the forefront of these advancements. Up to date informed advice in this area is a prerequisite for success. If you are not managing your client relationships at an optimal level your clients will be enticed elsewhere by those health clinics that are. Customer expectation is on a razor sharp and steep upward trend. Sitting still and doing nothing in this sphere is not a possibility.

12 Health Marketing Videos Getting the Message Across

  1. Embrace Life – Always Wear Your Seat Belt

This seatbelt campaign for Sussex Safer Roads is very effective in conveying its message to its viewers. Even without having any actual dialogue, this ad is still able to perfectly show how important seatbelts are by showing how a father’s life was saved with a seatbelt that is created in an image of his family.

  1. Our Song Commercial | UnitedHealthcare

Quite a funny ad to view that shows a couple dancing together having a merry time with each other. The wife suddenly jumps over the husband only for him to fail in catching her as they fall which definitely came out of nowhere and happened in a lighthearted and humorous manner. The ad ends by introducing simple health care system through United Healthcare.

  1. “Unsung Hero” (Official HD) : TVC Thai Life Insurance 2014

Thailand has a knack in making thought provoking and ads that are full of emotions. This is one crucial principle in marketing communications. This one in particular starts with a young man who goes the extra mile to help people around him. Even though he is not getting any profit out of the good deed, what he gets however, is something money simply can’t buy and that is happiness that is showed throughout the video. Thai Life Insurance then shows up encouraging its viewers to believe in good.

  1. Make Health Last. What will your last 10 years look like?

The same person is shown in this ad in a side comparison showing how his life is greatly determined by his health while at the same time giving its viewers the power to change their fate.

  1. The Scarecrow

This a powerful advert encouraging people to look outside of the box and find a better alternative with regards to their health choices. The animation is colorful and superb making it great for kids and adults alike.

  1. Girls Don’t Poop –

Women take high regards of their health and hygiene. This ad revolves around a woman who is using the toilet and how this can negatively affect their presence. She sits in the toilet seat for almost the entire time making it an ad that you will remember for quite some time.

  1. The Camp Gyno

This ad starts with young girl who started having her period and is teaching other girls how to handle it. She is very convincing in her role making it really funny as she imposes her authority over the other girls but is taken away from her with Hello Flo.

  1. Dove Real Beauty Sketches | You’re more beautiful than you think

Some women do not think highly of themselves. This ad from Dove shows how more beautiful they are than they think boosting their confidence as well as the confidence of women all over the world.

  1. Evian Baby & Me

Ads that include babies are considered to be an instant hit. This one in particular shows grown men and women with their baby counterparts dancing merrily which is quite a sight to behold.

  1. We Wish – CVS Health TV Commercial 2014

This ad shares in the efforts of wishing people good health by designing a program to help smokers quit the habit. It’s short, sweet and evocative.

  1. Snotty Doctor Health Insurance Commercial

A young girl mimics how a lady talks as she complains about her snotty doctor which leads to Trigon, the health company of choice, giving patients the option to get the doctors they like.

  1. – Our Blades Are F***ing Great

Short, humorous, prank and direct to the point. This ad gets its viewers pumped and ready to order some razors online.

All of these effective health marketing videos were made possible through the shared efforts of marketing communications and their clients. Create a timely ad today!



Furniture Injuries: What Are The Most Common & How Can We Make Furniture Safer?

Furniture is intended to bring beauty and a huge amount of convenience to household owners all around the world. They are indeed a sight to behold making the overall vibe and theme of a home distinct, unique and authentic. With that being said, just like any other product, furniture needs to be handled greatly with care as there have been countless of cases that were reported in which homeowners got injured with their furniture. The same can also be said to children as they are quite prone to accidentally hurting themselves with furniture. Let us consider the most common furniture injuries and ways on how we can make furniture safer.

One of the most common furniture injuries are the accidental bumps. These can happen without any warning and can really hurt a lot depending on the angle of impact. The most common culprit for accidental bumps are dining tables especially the heavy ones.

Homeowners can try and install soft cushions on the edges of their furniture. When accidental bumps do occur, these soft cushions will make a noticeable difference by lessening the pain.

Furniture can fall or tip-over and is also a common scenario to a huge number of homeowners. This is mostly due to them having a relatively weak foundation from where they have been setup. For instance, television and other electronics devices should be installed low to the ground and pushed back as far to the back of the stand as possible. In addition, installing straps or attaching them to the wall can help them become more stable.

Cabinets or tables are also at risk of tipping-over and it is ideal to look for ones that have a solid base and wide legs to keep them well balanced. You should test them before your buy while you are in the shop. Simply apply a little pressure to see if they are stable. Teaching your kids to never climb drawers or never hang on to them is essential to avoid future furniture injuries. Also, they may like the practice of swinging back and forth on their chairs while eating but this is never and will not result to a good outcome. Lastly, avoid giving overweight or big people flimsy chairs to sit as this will only hurt them in the future.

Furniture is what makes a home look and feel complete. Make sure to supply your household with adequate amounts of furniture while at the same time, keep them relatively safe for your family, relatives, friends as well as yourself. Keep in mind, that furniture by their own, are practically harmless and safe and it is the owner’s job to always keep them that way until their have outlived their uses. Parents should always be mindful of their child’s activities especially with regards to furniture as they are often unpredictable. Hopefully, the safety precautions and tips that are discussed here will provide homeowners with the right amount of information to keep their furniture away from harm.

Is Auditory Processing Disorder On The Rise Or Over-Diagnosed?

What is Auditory Processing Disorder? It is a condition, most often recognised in children, when the sufferer has difficulty in separating and ordering the sounds, he or she, hears. We hear a huge variety of sounds and the brain must process these sounds, hopefully making sense of them. Recognising noises which belong to the immense variety of things and beings in the world and placing them in an understandable order. Our brains use sound to process unbelievable amounts of information. Spatial Processing Disorder is another name for this condition.

The recognition of a particular sound allows our brains to make sense spatially of our place in the world. Through sounds it locates the positioning of things, near and far. If these sounds cannot be separated as near or far it makes processing information difficult if not impossible. Think of language, the spoken word, and how vital it is to perceive the order and emphasis put on certain sounds to effectively deliver and receive oral language. If a child has problems in this area, how is, he or she, going to be able to learn anything in a classroom? How are social skills going to be learnt in the playground, if the child, cannot hear certain sounds, or differentiate between them? Sensory Processing Disorder is yet another name for this condition.

Is Auditory Processing Disorder on the increase or is it being over-diagnosed? Our awareness of the condition is relatively recent, with diagnosis first occurring in the mid nineteen nineties. It is, I think, natural to see things more often when they have just been recognised and named. Children have been struggling with learning at school since we first created schools and made them attend. Parents have been concerned about their children, especially when their children have struggled at school, for a similar period of time. We, as a community, seek to identify problems and try to rectify them; they are all good inclinations. The advent of the auditory processing disorder clinic is a positive societal progression. I would also posit that there is a far greater variety of unnatural sounds and noises than ever before; more background noises in our urban areas. Machines and technology are making more and more noises; and our children are playing more with technology than with the natural world. Is it any surprise that APD would be on the rise?

Anything that helps our children learn and helps them process reality is going to be useful. Anything that contributes to our understanding of how our human brains work is going to be a force for good. I do have one caveat, however, and that is to beware of the inclination to categorise and classify humans according to narrow definitions of what is wrong with them; what is not working at its optimal standard. See the whole being rather than any label affixed to them by society, or professionals working on our behalf.

Adrenal Fatigue – Is It Real?

Adrenal Fatigue is the latest buzzword in fashionable twenty first ailments. It seems to be a holdall for an incredible variety of symptoms besetting the wealthy, well fed, Westerner. It is a corporate complaint, very popular among the denizens of those glass and steel city towers, as they sit at their desks confronting their computer screens. It is very easy to be cynical about the myth of modern illnesses, syndromes and chronic conditions, but a look at the evidence is what is called for.

Is it real, this Adrenal Fatigue, and what does that even mean? What is fatigued? Our ability to produce adrenaline? Epinephrine, or adrenaline, is a hormone secreted by our bodies during the fight or flight response; when humans are faced with extreme danger. It gives us extra energy to react quicker and with more force to life threatening situations. How does this relate to those suffering from a form of burn-out in today’s modern world? Well, the theory behind the condition postulates that people who work in unrelentingly stressful environments run out of their natural hormonal response to perceived stress and their immune systems are then chronically compromised.

It is this immune system failure which results in the variety and multiplicity of symptoms experienced by the sufferer of adrenal fatigue. So, you can get a diverse collection of ailments in individual cases of the condition and not the uniformity of symptomatic reactions you would usually see in more recognised diseases. It is this variety of symptomatic manifestations, which has created the distrust in many professional and lay attitudes towards the condition. Bottom line, however, is that these people are often very sick and need to be treated, effectively and, in my opinion, with respect.

Often, you will see that these people do not respond to normal treatments for things like colds and flus, they do not get better quickly, their symptoms linger. They may have difficulty sleeping and when they do sleep, they often do not feel refreshed after sleep and have trouble waking up. They are often fatigued and feel, generally, run-down. They may also share symptoms with those suffering depression, and adrenal fatigue is often misdiagnosed as depression. Which can exacerbate the problem if they are then prescribed anti-depressive medications.

There are some similarities with patients who have experienced traumas, in that their bodies do not have the ability to naturally heal themselves after severe traumatic experiences. They are burnt-out, their reserves of anti-stress responses have been exhausted. They need rest, a complete break from stressful environments, which usually entails the cessation of their work, career, whatever it was. It is time for a new start in a new direction. This fact is often the hardest thing for the sufferer of adrenal fatigue to accept; it is the first step on the way to healing a possibly lengthy illness.

20 Osteopathic Clinics in Sydney

The practice of Osteopathy is relatively new. However, a huge of number of individuals are leaning towards experience this therapy because of the benefits that it provides to them. Osteopathy is considered to be form of drug-free non-invasive manual medicine that focuses on total body health by treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework. Its non intrusive approach to treatment has made it quite popular to a considerable number of people in the present. It is good to hear that more and more osteopathic clinics are being setup and created to cater to the needs of every patient. Listed below are 20 osteopathic clinics in Sydney.

  1. Balmain Osteopaths

2 Booth St Balmain NSW 2041 Australia

+61 2 9555 9967

  1. Bondi Junction Osteopathic Clinic

12/1 Newland St Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Australia

+61 2 8068 8851

  1. North Sydney Osteopathic Centre

221 Miller St North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia

+61 2 9929 0027

  1. Sydney Osteopathic Healthcare

Synergy business centre, Ground floor, 255 Broadway Glebe NSW 2037 Australia

+61 1300 067 836

  1. Westmead Osteopathic Clinic

111 Hawkesbury Rd Westmead NSW 2145 Australia

+61 2 9635 8444

  1. Castle Hill Osteopathic Clinic

1/25 Terminus St Castle Hill NSW 2154 Australia

+61 2 9680 9940

  1. Zeinah Keen Osteopathy Specialist

1/14 The Centre Forestville NSW 2087 Australia

+61 2 9452 2292

  1. Camden Osteopathic Clinic

180-186 Argyle St Camden NSW 2570 Australia

+61 2 4655 4288

  1. The Osteopathy Clinic

301a/69 Phillip St Parramatta NSW 2150 Australia

+61 2 9893 7494

  1. Double Bay Osteopathic Clinic Pty Ltd

14 Guilfoyle Ave Sydney NSW 2028 Australia

+61 2 9328 4848

There are indeed a lot of options to choose from with regards to several osteopaths in Sydney. This in turn gives patients a variety of locales and environment to choose from that is able to cater to their preferences and needs. You will find the remaining half of the list with regards to osteopath clinics in Sydney below.

  1. Beecroft Osteopathic Clinic

5/5 Wongala Cres Beecroft NSW 2119 Australia

+61 2 9980 8288

  1. Breath & Body Clinic- Dr Rosalba Courtney DO PhD

11 Binburra Ave Avalon Beach NSW 2107 Australia

+61 2 9918 3460

  1. Osteopath Peter Corbett

5/381 Port Hacking Rd Caringbah NSW 2229 Australia

+61 2 9540 1833

  1. South West Osteopathic & Injury Clinic Dean Irwin

60/56-62 Oxford Rd Ingleburn NSW 2565 Australia

+61 2 9829 7700

  1. Better Health Osteopathic & Integrative Medicine

Grosvenor St Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Australia

+61 2 9389 3689

  1. Sydney Osteopathic Clinic

Level 1, Suite 1, 343 George St Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

+61 2 9299 1311

  1. The Osteopathic Centre

2/6 Help St Chatswood NSW 2067 Australia

+61 2 9413 4674

  1. CBD Health Osteopathic Clinic – Robert Fendall

20 Barrack St Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

+61 2 9299 1311

  1. Sydney Osteopathic Medicine

S Level 8 808/109 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

+61 2 9233 2788

  1. Central Sydney Osteopathy

7 Northumberland Ave Stanmore NSW 2048 Australia

+61 2 9557 3176

Natural vs Pharmaceutical Drugs

Menopause Treatments: Natural vs Pharmaceutical: Which is Best?

With today’s technology, the availability of information has made it possible for people to become educated more quickly. In the health and nutrition department alone, you can find extensive information published over the Internet which gives people the opportunity to become more informed. Finding what you need in just a click is definitely a good thing. However, the problem with this prevalent information is that people are exposed to more varying opinions.

One hot topic, which always ends up in debate and which most probably will never be settled is whether prescription drugs or natural alternatives are better.

Let’s take, for example, menopause. Menopause is a natural biological process which women experience as they age, wherein the menstrual periods stop permanently. Its symptoms include irregular periods, hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, and mood changes. A menopause treatment is customised for every woman and the treatments are directed toward alleviating uncomfortable or distressing symptoms.

Many of us fear the thought of being sick and when it comes to a medical condition such as menopause, regardless of its severity, people will always try to find a remedy. Of course, when choosing the best preventive medicine, we all want the safest, most effective option available. Although many are unsure of using alternatives to relieve their symptoms, people often turn to supplements because they’re perceived as more natural than drugs therefore gentler and have fewer side effects. They also generally cost less.

Nowadays, women going through menopause are considering natural alternatives to prescription medication due to the fact that many medications prescribed for serious health conditions have side effects. With natural alternatives, the belief is that a treatment plan which features natural elements in the chemical makeup of the human body are best.

Since there’s no real concrete data proving that natural alternatives are better and more effective, the question of using herbs versus drugs will continue as people will always have conflicting views about it.

Ultimately, people take natural alternatives at their own risk. If you’re thinking of going with the natural treatment, it’s still best to discuss natural alternatives with a medical professional to determine which course of treatment will benefit you.